
My Personal Experience with Eating Dog and Transitioning My Dog to a Raw Diet

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Oct 11, 2023 · 3 mins read
My Personal Experience with Eating Dog and Transitioning My Dog to a Raw Diet
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The Unexpected Meal

I was traveling in Kyrgyzstan as a guest of a Korean family. As is my habit when visiting other cultures, I did not ask questions about the food being served. That is, until they asked me how I liked the “dog meat dish” they had cooked. I was shocked to realize I had unwittingly eaten dog. While I didn’t dislike the taste, the realization went against my cultural upbringing. Eating dogs or cats is taboo in the West.

A Matter of Culture

As the hosts explained, eating dog is a cultural tradition in Korea, just as eating pork is forbidden in some religions. While an uncomfortable experience for me, I understood that what animals are considered food comes down to cultural norms. Having adventurously eaten camel, alligator and other exotic meats, I knew my aversion to dog was psychological rather than about the meat itself. Different cultures develop different taboos, and it’s not for outsiders to judge.

Bringing My Dog Back from the Brink

When my dog became gravely ill from a commercial “kibble” diet, the vet said her only hope was to be “spoiled rotten” in her final days. To my surprise, she recovered after being fed raw hamburger meat. I began extensively researching canine nutrition and discovered the benefits of a “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) diet”. Feeding her raw meat, organs and produce completely transformed her health. The diet even saved a friend’s sickly dog.

Transitioning to a BARF-Based Kibble

While the raw diet worked wonders, preparing fresh meals every day was time-consuming and expensive. I transitioned my dog to a kibble with a BARF-inspired ingredient list for convenience. Her health remained excellent on the balanced, whole-food diet. My journey highlighted the importance of species-appropriate nutrition and opened my eyes to cultural perspectives on food different than my own. With compassion, we can appreciate life experiences outside our norms.

Adjusting Perspectives

My unknowing experience with dog meat in Kyrgyzstan challenged my preconceived notions. While uncomfortable, I gained insight into how cultural traditions form and an appreciation for experiential learning. Details that may seem strange from the outside often have rational foundations within their originating societies. An open and thoughtful approach can expand one’s worldview beyond initial biases.

A New Lease on Life

Witnessing my dog’s recovery from the brink of death using food as medicine was life-changing. The stark contrast between her conditions on kibble versus a biologically appropriate diet revealed canine dietary needs I’d been unaware of. Now an advocate for whole food nutrition, I gain immense satisfaction ensuring my pup lives her healthiest, happiest life. Her recovery journey inspired me to embrace specialty and niche diets with an open yet discerning mind.

Inspiring Others through Experience Sharing

Word of my dog’s transformation encouraged my friend to try the raw diet when his own dog fell sick. To my delight, it had the same positive effect. The power of lived experience to inspire change in others is invaluable. I feel grateful for the opportunity to pay forward the healing I witnessed firsthand. Chronicling personal stories and trials spread awareness that traditional approaches aren’t one-size-fits-all. Alternative options deserve non-judgemental consideration too.

Continuing the Learning Journey

While a kibble compromise suits us currently, I remain a perpetual student of pet nutrition science. An evolving understanding of canine and species-appropriate diet keeps me seeking balanced, holistic solutions. My objective is ensuring whatever approach we take aligns fully with my dog’s welfare and needs. This means maintaining an openness to adjust as research progresses. The curiosity sparked by our health challenges enriched our bond and daily lives immensely. My Personal Experience with Eating Dog and Transitioning My Dog to a Raw Diet

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