
Train Travel Tales

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Oct 12, 2023 · 3 mins read
Train Travel Tales
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Far away destinations, late nights, unexpected encounters - train journeys often lead to unforgettable experiences. Here are a few such tales from train travelers over the years.

A Journey Home

It was back in college when sleeper class train travel was popular. During a mid-semester break, I decided to visit home which was quite far. Accompanied by friends, we left the hostel late at night to catch our train to Hyderabad. After watching a movie, enjoying biryani and waiting at the station, the overnight train arrived late. Somehow we managed to get on and travelled standing squeezed in the jam-packed coach. Reaching Hyderabad, we checked into a cheap hotel and parted ways as my hometown-bound train was earliest to depart. Securing an upper berth, I slept soundly for most of the journey waking only in the evening.

An Unexpected Conversation

Waking up hungry, I sat down as the only other passenger - a man in the adjacent seat - began conversing. Night fell as we talked and he ate while I declined his offered food wary of random drugging instances. My hunger grew unbearable as we neared the next station stop. Rushing out, I grabbed some hot food and tea relishing it on the platform unaware the train was departing. Stranded, I banged on the locked door in panic realizing my bag and documents were onboard until an elderly man pulled me to safety as the train gathered speed. Shaken, I thanked my savior who cautioned against future mistakes before disembarking.

An Unwelcome Companion

Late one night, I was travelling to Bengaluru with a friend. Securing berths, we talked and snacked until dozing off. Disturbed by persistent staring, I noticed a man in his forties ogling suspiciously. Worse, he brazenly groped me in the night sending fright through my bones. When confronted, he went mute. Terrified yet feigning sleep, I kicked him hard at his next attempt and warned of police involvement. Relieved as he alighted at the next stop, I remained anxious through the journey.

A Christmas Panic

It was around Christmas when express trains halted, lengthening my metro ride. Boarding, I listened to music and dozed periodically alert for my station. Suddenly, screams and flashes woke me to the chaos of gunfire inside the train. Along with other terrified passengers, I sprinted away from the shooting towards the driver, shaking awake a homeless man in urgency. Jamming the doors shut, we pounded frantically till they opened and raced out into the night time streets, the unreported violence buried quietly to avoid tourism damage. Since then, underground travel sparks anxiety but the humanity in crisis never ceases to touch.

An Unusual Offer

During my college days, sleeper class travel remained popular for its affordability over air-conditioned coaches. One mid-semester vacation, I embarked on a train journey home after seeing friends off in Hyderabad. Securing an upper berth, I slept undisturbed for long hours waking famished in evening. The lone occupant of my compartment, a man in the adjacent seat struck a conversation as night descended. Discouraged from accepting his meal offer due to past drugging incidents, intense hunger soon overwhelmed rational thought.

A Close Escape

At the next station, I rushed out desperately seeking sustenance. Relieved after grabbing fast food, restarting journey slipped my mind until barred exit confronted escalating panic. Struggling with oily hands, I dangled precariously outside as the train accelerated. Salvation arrived through a kindly stranger who hauled me in, saving a foolish mistake. Left shaken but grateful, I resolved learning from narrow brushes with misfortune often gifted through unexpected encounters on the rails.

Calm After Chaos

The memory of that harrowing Christmas metropolis remains etched as one of my most unnerving train travels. Awoken by mayhem and mad dashes, cramming with others into carriage corridors away from harm fueled pure fright. Relief flooded finally squeezing out amid the platform pandemonium, yet anxiety lingered on future underground journeys. Order rose gradually from the ashes of that shocking instance, restoring faith that in humanity’s darkest hours, compassion remains our beacon light. Train Travel Tales

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