
A Student's Perspective: The Pros and Cons of Studying at Xiamen University Malaysia

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Oct 18, 2023 · 3 mins read
A Student's Perspective: The Pros and Cons of Studying at Xiamen University Malaysia
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Campus Environment and Facilities

Xiamen University Malaysia prides itself on its spacious campus situated right on the coast of Malaysia. With two large lakes and acres of lush greenery, students can easily forget they are in a university setting. The natural scenery provides the perfect place for students to relax and recharge between classes. Transportation around campus is seamless, thanks to an extensive network of buses and bikes. Within the campus itself, various food options abound to satisfy any appetite. In addition to standard cafeteria fare, there are over eight unique restaurants offering cuisines from all over Asia and beyond. International students will have no trouble finding options familiar to their tastes. While the surroundings are certainly an asset, the influx of tourist groups poses challenges. Class interruptions were such a problem that restricted areas were established. Still, the occasional visitor slipping by remains an issue. More concerning is the garbage piles left in spots by roaming vendors. Proper enforcement is needed to keep the campus tidy for students.

Academic Standards and Curriculum

Compared to other Malaysian universities, Xiamen prides itself on higher expectations in the classroom. Distinctions require 85% and credits 80%, leaving little room for error. The foundation program in particular provides invaluable skills still applicable in degree courses. Lecturers are also noteworthy, with the vast majority holding doctorates and diverse international experiences to share. Though an asset academically, the strict grading policy has drawbacks. Specifically, the inconsistent application of bell curves leaves top performing students frustrated. Despite marks far exceeding requirements, arbitrary quotas lower grades. While meant to curb grade inflation, it punishes hard work without transparency. Addressing this lack of defined process would boost student satisfaction.

Student Life and Amenities

On-campus housing presents challenges for international students. With limited dedicated dormitories, many are forced off-campus regardless of scholarship status. Overcrowding occurs as rooms are stuffed beyond intended capacity. Living arrangements represent an area needing upgrade to support enrolment. Off-campus, affordable student apartments exist nearby. However, navigating leases and costs as a foreigner comes with difficulties. Reliable assistance from current residents helps smooth the transition. Additional on-campus accommodations and standardized rental support would enhance the experience. Recreational options remain scarce in the isolated location. Life becomes monotonous without private transport means to access entertainment. While structure has benefits, loosened restrictions would boost well-being. Minor amendment like later curfews alleviates restlessness without compromising order. Service standards across departments lack consistency detrimental to students. Contradictory information and runarounds prove tiring. Streamlining processes with a centralized approach saves time and frustration. Improved inter-office communication and foreign student orientation can remedy present shortcomings.

Administration Inefficiencies

Bureaucratic red tape plagues even simple tasks. Approvals dragging between multiple departments become excessive, wasting valuable resources. Lack of cooperation internally stymies progress. Students heading clubs face unnecessary meddling instead of support. Electricity billing presents further peculiarities. Wide variations exist between similar usage levels, leaving some grossly overcharged. Transparency into meter readings and pricing clarifies this administrative enigma. Addressing financial disparities maintains fairness for all residents.

Life as an International Student

Despite difficulties, living in a foreign culture presents rich lifelong learning. Overcoming language barriers and navigating an unfamiliar system builds invaluable character. International friendships formed surpass surface differences to find underlying common ground. Appreciation grows for diversity of cultures and perspectives. While not perfect, Xiamen University Malaysia provides a quality education with dedicated faculty. Challenges encountered prepare students for life’s unpredictability. Memories and life lessons gained prove the struggle worthwhile in retrospect. Any university brings frustrations, so focusing on opportunities for growth and enlightenment enhances the experience. Overall, for aspiring global citizens, study abroad remains a privilege not to be dismissed over minor shortcomings.


In overview, Xiamen University Malaysia presents a scenic campus conducive to study balanced with room for improvement. Academically, high standards benefit learners though grading policies need refinement. Amenities and administration require bolstering to fully support enrolment. However, difficulties make international student development most rewarding long-term. With continued commitment to excellence and student priorities, Xiamen stands well-positioned to cultivate future leaders in the heart of a vibrant multicultural region. A Student's Perspective: The Pros and Cons of Studying at Xiamen University Malaysia

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