
Frustrations with Package Delivery Services

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Nov 01, 2023 · 3 mins read
Frustrations with Package Delivery Services
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Mistakenly Redirected Packages

Packages often get mistakenly redirected during shipping. Tracking will show the package leaving the local distribution center, only to find out later it has been sent out of state. I’ve watched packages travel as far east as New York before returning to finally get delivered. Most likely, the packages got dropped into carts meant for out-of-state destinations by mistake. Currently, I’m waiting on two packages shipped from different cities. Tracking shows them leaving the regional distribution center over two months ago, with no updates since. The vendors long ago sent replacements, but the original packages are still missing somewhere in the system. These mistaken redirections waste time and resources for both customers and companies.

Long Delays and Circuitous Routes

Even within the same city or town, packages can take absurdly long routes. I’ve seen a letter mailed locally pass through four hubs on its way to my mom, who lives in the same small town. Tracking a package within a 90 mile radius showed it going to Memphis, TN before being redirected to Des Moines, IA, adding significant delays. Such inefficient package routing baffles customers and adds to growing shipping frustrations.

Difficulty Reaching Accountability

When issues do arise, it’s nearly impossible to reach a human for help or explanations. Customer service lines are really just automated customer deferral systems. Calls are routed through layers of voice prompts with no live agents. Understandably, mistakes happen—but companies seem to care more about avoiding liability than resolving problems. Customers feel left in the dark about missing or late packages without any recourse for answers.

Declining Customer Service Standards

As companies prioritize profits over problem-solving, customer service standards decline. Employees aren’t incentivized to go the extra mile for satisfactory resolutions. With competitive jobs available, why work hard at a shipping customer service role with irate customers all day? People know they won’t face repercussions for mistakes or poor attitudes either. It’s a systemic problem where accountability has been replaced with apathy.

Automation Hinders Helpfulness

While automation streamlines operations, it also hinders personal assistance crucial for complex issues. Live phone support allows for explanations, context sharing, and quicker fixes—but it’s nearly extinct. Customers left to navigate robots feel equally frustrated and disgruntled with each unhelpful prompt loop. A mix of automated self-service paired with live assistance is ideal but rare today.

Lazy Employees Add to Frustrations

Workers seem increasingly lazy, careless and self-absorbed according to many customer complaints. Could this be a byproduct of poor hiring practices and lax standards? When mistakes regularly occur without consequences, why put in extra effort? Customers definitely sense the lack of concern for their needs or satisfaction with the shipping experience. But accountability seems to have disappeared for both companies and employees in this important industry.

Calls for Reform and Raised Standards

For too long, shipping companies have avoided responsibility while rates and problems rise simultaneously. Customers deserve better treatment and resolution of issues—not endless runarounds. Reform is badly needed to re-instate customer service as a priority through stricter performance and accountability standards. A mix of automation with live phone support is also key to addressing complex problems satisfactorily. Perhaps by focusing on customer satisfaction over profits alone, trust and goodwill can be rebuilt in this strained industry. Frustrations with Package Delivery Services

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