
How Height Has Changed Among the Younger Generation in Korea

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Nov 17, 2023 · 3 mins read
How Height Has Changed Among the Younger Generation in Korea
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Nutrition and Sports Improving Heights

As many studies have stated, the Korean gen Z’ers have better nutritional intake and are more athletic than previous generations, causing them to be much taller than their parent generation. Boys in particular benefit from increased heights as their diets and participation in sports have noticeably improved over past decades according to health officials and demographic surveys.

High School Girls’ Average Heights

As a 5 foot tall high school girl, Kim had noticed the range of heights among her female peers. Most girls at her suburban Seoul school were between 5 feet 1 inch and 5 feet 6 inches. A few exceptionally tall or small outliers fell outside this norm. However, after interacting with girls from other schools, Kim realized many were well above the average 5 feet 5 inches mark she was used to, with numerous heights around 5 feet 7 inches.

Rural vs Urban Height Differences

Kim acknowledged that height variations could exist between rural and urban areas. Girls raised on farms may experience poorer nutrition resulting in shorter average heights than girls in cities with access to supermarkets stocked with healthy options. However, as transportation and information technology connects all regions, nutritional gaps shrink and heights tend to even out nationwide.

Accepting Individual Variances

As a teenager myself, I understand the desire to make generalizations but know each person’s height depends on genetics as well as environment. While Korean girls in suburbia like Kim’s high school averaged between 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 6 inches a decade ago, factors like improved access to healthcare and balanced diets mean the following generation naturally grew somewhat taller. Still, within any group, individuals will fall above and below perceived averages due to diverse biological factors outside our control.

Clothing and Shoe Challenges for Tall Girls

Standing at a height of 170 cm or just over 5 feet 7 inches myself, finding well-fitting clothes and shoes suitable for my frame has proven quite difficult at times. As one of the taller girls among my peers, I often long to meet and befriend other young women around my height to compare shopping strategies and favorite brands accommodating larger sizes. The frustrations of sleeves or pants ending too short and shoes squeezing toes too tightly are shared burdens among taller females seeking flattering, comfortable options.

A Support Network for Heightier Fashion Needs

Connecting with a local Facebook group for tall teens helped immensely. Through trading advice and encouragement, I learned to embrace my natural stature instead of feeling self-conscious about it. Members routinely alerted each other to retailers now stocking longer lengths and wider widths, celebrations of small victories in the never-ending tall girl search for garments not straining at the seams. Our virtual community stressed the message that height alone does define us, and with cooperation come solutions for common pressures of finding fashionable yet practical height-appropriate attire.

Height Preferences Vary Across Cultures and Generations

While some East Asian cultures traditionally held certain fixed ideas favoring petite female statures, globalization and expanding representations in media have promoted more appreciation for diversity. Younger Koreans like myself seem less constrained by arbitrary standards than older relatives once were when it comes to judging attractiveness based on physical attributes alone. Individual personalities, ambitions and talents far outshine any preconceived notions attaching strictly to appearance. Our identities as multi-dimensional human beings thankfully transcend simplistic height-focused stereotypes slipping rapidly into obsolescence.

Looking to the Future with Confidence

Standing now at age 18, I feel proud taking up space in this world as a confident, tall young woman rather than trying to shrink down and fade into the background according to outdated social mores. Hopefully each new generation that follows mine upholds the value of accepting people as complete beings rather than reducing them to external metrics alone. Height proves just one small aspect when it comes to who we are; kindness, passion and purpose ultimately hold far greater significance in shaping rich lives well lived. May we all continue making progress toward a society emphasizing these deeper qualities over superficial fixations. How Height Has Changed Among the Younger Generation in Korea

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