
Why the Chinese People Support Their Government

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Nov 18, 2023 · 3 mins read
Why the Chinese People Support Their Government
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The Chinese Perspective on Authority and Governance

Social Stability and Economic Prosperity

The Chinese people have seen tremendous improvements in their standards of living and quality of life over recent decades. After enduring extreme poverty and hardship during the rule of Mao Zedong, citizens now have confidence that the Communist Party is effectively managing China’s continued development. Most appreciate President Xi Jinping’s strong stance against corruption within the party and his leadership on the global stage. While maintaining social stability and economic growth, the government has also relaxed social controls to allow for greater personal freedoms and expression.

The Pursuit of Fairness

As Confucius emphasized, lack of fairness is what truly angers the people. During Mao’s disastrous policies that led to widespread famine, citizens did not rebel despite tremendous suffering because they still felt the system was operating justly. In contrast, loss of impartial treatment would undermine the crucial bond of trust between the ruling party and society. The Communist Party recognizes this and works to ensure equal distribution of opportunities and share prosperity across China’s diverse regions and populations.

Firsthand Experience Living in China

Having lived in China for over a decade, the author notes that locals exhibit a innate skepticism of all those in power. However, they are generally pleased with President Xi’s crackdown on corruption and handling of diplomatic challenges like the trade war. Nationalism has also risen in response to foreign pressures. The average citizen is less concerned over governance models than achieving better standards of living through stable, competent leadership. Democracy is no guarantee of good results, just as autocracy does not always fail - what matters most is delivering tangible benefits for the people.

A Pragmatic Approach

China’s system works for the goals and culture of its society. No outside expert could claim their political system is universally applicable. Similarly, China has no interest in replicating Western models that do not align with its circumstances. The author argues that most Chinese do not spend time pondering such conceptual issues anyway - they focus on practical factors like traffic laws and regulations that directly impact daily life. Overall satisfaction reflects steady progress, not adherence to foreign frameworks or ideologies.

Consumer Sovereignty in Action

In one example of how pragmatism shapes views, Chinese are wielding economic power by shifting spending away from US brands towards domestic alternatives in response to trade tensions. As consumers, citizens demonstrate loyalty to products “Made in China” instead of ones shipped from overseas. This displays nationalism through marketplace participation rather than abstract ideology. Such tangible displays of sovereignty further indicate the Chinese public’s support for their government’s handling of global affairs.

Minor Gripes but Overall Approval

While individuals may express irritation over minor penalties like traffic tickets, this does not translate to a broader rejection of state institutions. Compared to unrest in multi-party systems, one seldom witnesses open antagonism towards fundamental aspects of China’s governance. Ordinary folks prioritize competency in managing growth and stability above rigid models of representational politics. As long as leaders uphold fairness and maintain momentum, the bulk of 1.4 billion citizens express contentment with the nation’s distinctive system of self-governance.

In Conclusion

The Chinese people evaluate authority from a lived perspective of observing tangible gains rather than conceptual devotion to exporting any model. Through prudent stewardship upholding justice, providing for the public, and navigating geopolitical challenges, the Communist Party has sustained widespread approval. So long as this pragmatic social contract endures, most citizens will continue supporting the path carefully developed for China according to its unique heritage and circumstances.

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