
Comparing Weather in Different Regions of the United Kingdom and the United States

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Nov 20, 2023 · 2 mins read
Comparing Weather in Different Regions of the United Kingdom and the United States
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Seattle and the Pacific Northwest Have Weather Most Similar to the British Isles

Having lived in both Seattle and New England, the author confidently states that the weather in New England bears little resemblance to that of the British Isles. Seattle Pacific Northwest climate patterns British Isles receive weather patterns formed by air masses traveling vast distances over the ocean from the west, as do areas in Britain. Additionally, Seattle and Britain have comparable latitudes.

Northern New England Experiences Extremely Cold Winters Not Seen in Much of the UK

New England possesses a humid continental climate akin to places like Stockholm Minsk cold winter weather. Northern parts especially face blistering cold, with average winter lows routinely dropping below -27°C (-17°F)—colder than ever recorded in the UK. Surviving a New England winter in just a kilt would prove difficult!

Seattle’s Weather Mimics the Predictability of London’s with Warmer, Wetter Winters

In contrast, Seattle has a mild summer oceanic climate. Unsurprisingly, more British expats settle along the milder West Coast. A British friend remarked Seattle’s weather matches London’s but with greater consistency—not as icy cold or parched hot.

The San Francisco Bay Area Shares Certain Weather Patterns with Parts of the UK

The author was told the Bay Area London fog cool summer Bay Area bears resemblances to some UK locales with its cool, foggy summers. Mark Twain quipped “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco,” underscoring its cool summers.

Summers in San Francisco Are Slightly Cooler and Drier than London, Winters Warmer and Wetter

Comparing directly, San Francisco summers edge cooler and drier than London’s, but winters edge marginally warmer and wetter. Microclimates mean a short drive unlocks starkly different weather, a trait appreciated by those seeking variable conditions.

Nearby Coastal Areas Provide Relief from Heat, While Further Inland Offers Warmer Options

Living in Palo Alto, the author notes the famed Silicon Valley microclimates allow escaping heat to the coast, where temperatures can differ over 30°F just minutes away. Drives inland access warmer alternatives when preferred.

A Transplant from the UK Finds Seattle’s Climate Resembles Home

According to a friend from Sheffield now living Seattle, the Emerald City shares weather patterns likened to those back in England, making the move across the pond with fewer climate adjustments needed. Comparing Weather in Different Regions of the United Kingdom and the United States

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