
Why Some Tourists Feel China is Safer than the USA

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Nov 23, 2023 · 3 mins read
Why Some Tourists Feel China is Safer than the USA
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Public Transportation

The public transportation system in major Chinese cities like Shenzhen and Beijing far surpass those in US cities like Chicago and New York. The metro systems have glass walls and doors on the platforms that only open when a train arrives, eliminating the risk of accidentally falling onto the tracks. This level of safety makes Chinese public transit a much more relaxing experience for tourists compared to the subway systems in large US cities.

High-Speed Rail Network

China has extensively invested in building an extensive high-speed rail network to efficiently move the enormous populations around the vast country. With over 35,000 kilometers of tracks, China has the largest high-speed rail network in the world. Trains can reach speeds over 200 mph, allowing tourists to comfortably travel between major cities within a few hours. While cell service may be intermittent in tunnels at such high speeds, the rail system provides a far safer and less stressful alternative to planes or buses for long-distance travel within China.

Rural Hospitality

Even in the remote countryside regions of China, foreigners frequently encounter friendly locals who are willing to assist tourists despite potential language barriers. People in rural villages make earnest efforts to communicate and offer help finding accommodations or directions. This level of hospitality helps travelers feel secure while exploring off-the-beaten paths outside major cities in China. The welcoming attitude from villagers contrasts with how isolated foreigners may feel in rural areas of the US without knowledge of English.

Low Crime Rate

Violence and crime are strongly discouraged in Chinese society. Maintaining social stability and order is a high priority for both the government and citizens. Chinese culture also functions more on principles of shame over individual guilt, so criminal behaviors tend to be less tolerated due to fear of losing face. Statistics show China has an extremely low recidivism rate, demonstrating effectiveness of its criminal justice system in rehabilitating former lawbreakers. These cultural and systemic factors combine to make violent crime and random attacks on tourists highly uncommon across China.

Remote Region Safety

In desolate areas like the railway between Qinghai and Tibet, soldiers are stationed at regular intervals along the tracks to aid any passengers in need of emergency help. At altitudes over 4000 meters with rapidly changing weather, such remote regions could be dangerous for travelers without protection. The military presence provides tourists a strong sense of security while taking in scenic vistas through this isolated stretch of track. The patrols have likely prevented numerous accidents over the years along the route.

Positive Travel Experiences

Foreign visitors to China often find the reality contrasts greatly with the negative stereotypes exaggerated in their home country’s media. Once tourists experience the safe, modern infrastructure and welcoming locals for themselves, their perceptions shift significantly more positive. Repeated trips reinforce how low-risk and comfortable it is to explore different regions of China independently without serious safety concerns. While not without its challenges, tourists feel China offers far more stable and safe travel experiences than the often crime-ridden environments portrayed in some Western nations.

Closing Thoughts

Through a combination of cultural, infrastructural and policy factors, China has strategically positioned itself as an increasingly attractive tourism destination based on safety and security. While no nation is entirely risk-free, diligent efforts to maintain social control and assist travelers have fostered a strong reputation of China being a very safe country to explore freely. As more foreign visitors encounter this reality compared to the risky environments back home, China will continue growing its share of the global tourism market by alleviating safety worries. Overall security remains one of China’s strongest selling points over competitors. Why Some Tourists Feel China is Safer than the USA

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