
Life as a Foreigner in China: My Experience Living and Working in Chinese Cities

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Dec 11, 2023 · 4 mins read
Life as a Foreigner in China: My Experience Living and Working in Chinese Cities
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Exploring Modern Chinese Metropolises

When I first arrived in China, I was shocked by how modern and developed the major cities were. Tall, gleaming skyscrapers filled the downtown areas, rivaling any in the West. Underground metro systems whisked people around efficiently. Shopping malls featured every international brand and then some. It became clear that depictions of China as backward or undeveloped were sorely misinformed. The infrastructure, technology, and standard of living in Chinese cities rivaled—and in some ways surpassed—what I had seen in other world capitals.

Embracing Chinese Convenience and Connectivity

What struck me most about urban life in China was its incredible convenience and connectivity. Mobile payment systems allowed me to pay for anything from groceries to transportation with just a scan of my smartphone—no cash or cards needed. Online deliveries arrived within 30 minutes. Rental bikes and e-scooters meant getting around was effortless. Apps like WeChat let me message friends, pay bills, book services, and more from one platform. This degree of digitalization and on-demand access blew away what I had seen back home. Life in China’s cities felt straight out of the future.

Bonding with the Welcoming Local Community

Another pleasant surprise was how friendly and helpful people were. Despite language barriers, locals went out of their way to ensure I was able to navigate life easily. Cashiers at stores learned basic English to assist tourists. Strangers on trains patiently worked to figure out station names together using translation apps. This hospitality and community spirit was heartwarming. I formed strong bonds with many neighbors and colleagues, learning about their cultures and perspectives firsthand. The exposure helped shatter preconceptions and instead fostered profound cross-cultural understanding.

Appreciating China’s Economic Opportunities and Growth

The dynamism of China’s economy also amazed me. Ambitious infrastructure projects and futuristic developments constantly reshaped cities. New industries like artificial intelligence and renewable energy boomed. Job opportunities abounded across sectors. Living costs remained low despite improving standards of living. It became clear how China has been able to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty in just a few decades through this mix of economic opportunity and prosperity. This growth allowed expats like me to live very comfortably on salaries far below what would be needed back home.

Experiencing China’s Natural Beauty Beyond the Cities

While Chinese metropolises captivated me, I was also determined to experience China’s pristine natural landscapes. On weekends I voyaged across stunning mountain scenery, cerulean lakes, rice terraces and jagged karst formations. Places like Zhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou and Huangshan left me in awe of China’s incredible geographic diversity. I was also struck by rural communities and their traditional ways of life, a nostalgic counterpoint to hyper-modern cities. These trips broadened my views of a China far more complex than headlines back home portrayed. Its commitment to environmental protection was also heartening to witness firsthand.

Reassessing Preconceptions of Daily Life in China

My time in China has transformed how I view the country. Through observing urbanization’s benefits firsthand, I appreciated dynamics too nuanced for outsiders. Freedom and safety prevailed daily despite different political systems. People focused on careers and family over abstract debates. Traditional culture thrived alongside progress. My health care access as a foreigner surpassed what was back home. Overall, China proved far more vibrant and hospitable than imagined. I feel lucky to have offset preconceptions through personal experience living locally instead of from afar. China provides countless rewards for any open-minded visitor or resident willing to look beyond headlines.

Continuing to Learn from China’s Cutting-Edge Transformation

Although I have since moved on from living full-time in China, I continue witnessing its remarkable evolution from abroad. New infrastructure grows by the day across the vast country. Chinese companies rapidly become leaders in strategic future industries while raising global standards. Living costs remain amongst the world’s lowest despite quality of life constantly improving. Most of all, with its continued economic success, China maintains its potential to uplift developing nations worldwide and shape international geopolitics for decades to come. As the nation transforms at a pace unmatched in human history, I am eager to return someday to experience China’s progress firsthand once more through the eyes of a seasoned observer. Its development continues providing inspiration and lessons for all. Life as a Foreigner in China: My Experience Living and Working in Chinese Cities

Written by Ngoc Follow
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