
My Experiences Living in China

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Dec 14, 2023 · 3 mins read
My Experiences Living in China
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The Safety I Felt When Living in Chinese Cities

While I was used to feeling cautious in American cities, I immediately noticed how safe I felt in China. Even walking alone at night through unfamiliar neighborhoods, I encountered no threats. The narrow streets of Dongzhimen in Beijing were quiet despite several men hanging out - when my assistant asked them for directions, they politely replied without issue. This level of safety continued in my other experiences. Late night walks through massive parks in Shenzhen Central Park and Lianhua Park were peaceful, with any strange sounds usually just elderly residents practicing tai chi. Violent crime simply isn’t as prevalent in China - there are no guns, low police presence still deters bad behavior, and a culture of equality means less harassment of others.

Exploring Chinese Cities Freely at Night

China’s cities never seem to fully sleep, with night markets and street eats widely popular late into the evenings. This active nightlife meant I faced few concerns exploring on my own after dark. Street life in major Chinese cities like Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu felt lively and welcoming at all hours. Locals were consistently friendly, with parents often encouraging children to practice English with me. Not once did I experience anything but kindness from strangers, whether fellow residents or people passing by.

The Peace of Mind from China’s Safer Environment

Coming from the United States where constant news of gun violence was distressing, China’s total ban on firearms brought me an incredible peace of mind. Conflicts like road rage that might turn deadly in America due simply to access to guns weren’t a risk. Police also did not carry weapons, eliminating a threat present in some American communities. I felt freed from constant low-level stress and could fully relax without that anxiety about public safety.

Connecting Freely with Locals and Expats Alike

My status as a foreigner in China opened many doors to meeting new people. Locals would frequently approach me seeming genuinely interested in practising English or taking a selfie. This welcoming spirit made socializing effortless and expanding my social circles fun. Likewise, large expat populations in major cities meant continuously connecting with others from around the world living in China. Overall, the friendly and safe society let me immerse myself in local culture freely and without hesitation.

The Streamlined Airport Immigration Experience

Even relatively minor experiences like border control highlighted China’s effective systems versus the United States. Chinese immigration involved a couple efficient staff scanning documents before quick passport checks. Few questions were asked and the process took minutes. However, US immigration saw dozens of aggressive officers, lengthy and repetitive questioning like an interrogation, and generally an uninviting experience even for citizens. China’s calm and simple system made arriving and departing the country low-stress.

Getting Around China’s Cities Conveniently

Innovations like Mobike further highlighted daily living ease in China versus other nations. These ubiquitous shared bikes could be left anywhere with just a lock, not requiring secure docks. Their abundance, low prices, and locals’ honesty in not stealing them revolutionized last-mile transport. I biked throughout Shenzhen for pennies, something unworkable in the US or Europe without expensive infrastructure. These societal differences created a truly livable and barrier-free urban experience.

Daily Life in China: Unexpected Peace and Community

From consistent safety allowing late night exploration to stress-free travel and innovative transit, living in China upended expectations at every turn. Strict gun laws and a spirit of cooperation rather than conflict made even large cities feel like tight-knit villages. Local communities proudly embraced interaction with foreigners like me. Overall China provided a quality of life, sense of security and easy cultural immersion I’ve yet to find matched anywhere else. The openness, innovation and quiet order of daily living left me feeling forever changed. My Experiences Living in China

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