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A System Engineer's Perspective on Working and Living in Saudi Arabia

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Dec 23, 2023 · 5 mins read
A System Engineer's Perspective on Working and Living in Saudi Arabia
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Evaluating the Job Offer

When considering a system engineer role with TCS in Saudi Arabia, it’s important to carefully evaluate the job offer. Speaking to a current employee, it seems the base salary for an engineer with 3.5 years of experience would be around 7,000 Saudi Riyals per month. However, directly contacting the employer is key to confirming the exact compensation package. Salary is just one factor - you’ll also need to budget for living expenses like accommodation, food, transportation, utilities and entertainment. Finding the accurate cost of living in your target city is essential for determining if the salary truly provides a comfortable standard of living. Living expenses also fluctuate over time as rules and prices change. Having a complete understanding of financial responsibilities is necessary before accepting any overseas job offer.

Factors to Consider for Accommodation

While TCS reportedly provides free shared accommodation in Saudi Arabia, it’s worth independently researching housing options and prices. Service apartments are a common option mentioned, but you may also wish to consider renting a whole property depending on family size or personal preference. Comparing rental costs of apartments, villas and compounds in target areas can help set appropriate accommodation expectations and budgeting. Utilities like water, electricity and internet services also represent recurring monthly costs. Researching typical utility bills for the type of accommodation you select ensures no surprises down the road. Additional conveniences like using a VPN for internet access abroad also factor into overall costs of living in a new country. Thorough preparation on accommodation costs is important before making long-term commitments.

Budgeting for Daily Living Expenses

A daily expenditure many pointed to was eating at Indian restaurants, which provides cultural comforts of home cooking abroad. However, budgeting only for restaurant meals risks high monthly food costs. Considering alternatives like grocery shopping and home-cooked meals could allow for greater savings. Transportation is also commonly mentioned - learning typical public transportation or rideshare rates in target cities lets you forecast commuting costs realistically. Entertainment, weekend activities and communication with family back home represent other daily living expenses to include in budgets. Accounting for a reasonable monthly budget covering needs like food, transportation, utilities and discretionary spending delivers a full picture of the actual spend required to live comfortably versus projected take home salary. Comprehensive financial planning is vital before relocating overseas for work.

Building a Sustainable Savings Plan

The initial discussion mentions an estimated savings of 5,000 Saudi Riyals per month is possible even after daily expenses. However, long-term financial sustainability requires conservative budgeting and realistic savings goals. Fluctuations in costs of living, lifestyle changes, family needs and unexpected expenditures are all important to factor in. Rather than targeting specific monthly savings amounts, focusing on maintaining a minimum percentage of income saved every month ensures savings continue growing steadily over the long run.
Regular budget reviews also allow for adjustments as needs change. Having a savings plan extending for your entire tenure in Saudi Arabia, not just the first few years, is prudent. With care and discipline, even modest salaries can fund future goals like a home, retirement or children’s education through consistent long-term savings habits built overseas. Proper financial strategies are key to fully capitalizing on work opportunities abroad.

Evolving Country Conditions and Rules to Consider

Based on comments, rules and cost of living in Saudi Arabia seem to be undergoing changes. Staying abreast of economic, political and social developments impacting expat life through reliable local sources helps manage expectations and plan appropriately. Stricter regulations may impact aspects like transportation, leisure activities, dress codes or accommodation options over time. While living costs were previously considered low, prices now appear to be rising steadily. Forecasting expenses conservatively allows for unanticipated inflation. Significant domestic reforms could also affect job market dynamics. Continually re-evaluating suitability is prudent given an evolving environment. Overall, flexibility and adapting to changing conditions are important for long stays abroad. Advance research and vigilance help navigate transitioning country contexts effectively.

Weighing Individual Preferences and Family Needs

The discussion highlighted Saudi Arabia’s strict social atmosphere and lack of entertainment as negatives for some. However, what constitutes an enjoyable lifestyle varies between individuals and families. Introverts may prefer its relative safety and quiet, whereas extroverts risk feeling isolated. Similarly, single professionals view locations differently than those with spouses and children to consider.
Family priorities like standard of living, schooling options, spouse employment prospects and cultural comfort also influence relocation decisions. Open communication within the family unit helps align on needs, values, aspirations and pain points to assess the appropriate trade-offs for each situation. Together with thorough research and planning, this ensures overseas work opportunities are prudent choices for the entire household in both the short and long-run.

Weighing the Pros and Cons Before Committing

In summary, accepting jobs abroad often presents a mix of pros and cons varying based on individual preferences and family compositions. For system engineers considering Saudi Arabia, key points to evaluate include compensation packages, accurate living expenses, potential savings, evolving country and social dynamics, and preferences of all involved parties. While salaries appear reasonably attractive, prudent planning is required to translate offered amounts into real sustainable savings over the long-term while avoiding lifestyle inflation.
Conducting thorough independent research, analyzing trade-offs for your specific needs and values, continuously reassessing suitability, and involving family consensus helps maximize upsides and manage downsides. With the right preparation and decision-making approach, overseas career opportunities can profoundly enrich lives when the timing is right for all stakeholders involved. A System Engineer's Perspective on Working and Living in Saudi Arabia

Written by Ngoc Follow
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