
Travel Guide: Riding Through Colombia and Venezuela Safely

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Dec 29, 2023 · 3 mins read
Travel Guide: Riding Through Colombia and Venezuela Safely
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Choosing Your Route Wisely

As someone who has lived in both countries, I strongly advise caution when planning your route. Venezuela’s current political instability and economic crisis have led to rampant crime and violence, especially in major cities like Caracas. For your safety, it’s best to avoid Venezuela and stick to Colombia for now. Within Colombia, rural areas have seen armed conflict in the past and warrant extra vigilance. However, major cities and most highways are generally safe for travel nowadays.

Preparing Properly for Your Journey

Before setting off on your motorcycle adventure, take time to prepare properly. Keep multiple copies of your passport and visa documents hidden on your person and luggage in case of emergency. Also maintain an emergency cash stash separate from your main funds. Be sure to inform trusted contacts of your planned route and expected arrival times between destinations. Consider ditching expensive electronics that could make you a target for thieves. Solid Spanish skills will greatly aid you in any interactions with locals and authorities along the way.

Road quality varies significantly depending on the region in Colombia. In conflict-affected areas like Cauca department, infrastructure has lagged due to tensions with armed groups and strong indigenous autonomy movements. As a result, backcountry routes feature rough unpaved tracks ideally suited for adventure motorcycling. However, roads are generally smooth asphalt in major population centers and along highways connecting cities. Be prepared for any conditions with proper tires, tools and spare parts. Stopping in towns breaks up long rides and offers cultural immersion opportunities.

Maintaining Vigilance in Cities

While large Colombian cities like Bogotá, Medellín and Cali have reduced crime rates compared to past decades, petty offenses remain common. Be on alert against opportunistic thieves targeting phones, wallets and other valuables in crowded areas. Police also perpetrate corruption, so avoid unnecessary interactions and never accede to unlawful demands. The friendly, upbeat Colombian people overwhelmingly outweigh negatives. Still, situational awareness helps you enjoy urban attractions safely. Microbuses can be risky, so watch your belongings and opt for taxis if uneasy.

Traversing Remote Wilderness Safely

Venturing into untamed Colombian backcountry opens pristine natural vistas but requires self-sufficiency. Mountain roads may dead-end or lack services for kilometres. Come prepared to handle breakdowns or emergencies away from population centers. Inform park rangers or trusted locals of your route to activate search protocols if needed. Realize mobile coverage gaps in very rural zones. Respect any travel advisories for active conflict or crime zones, while enjoying vast protected forests, river valleys and Andean high country with mindfulness.

Experiencing Hospitality and Adventure in Border Towns

Colombia borders several fascinating nations, accessible from frontier communities alive with culture. The bustling Ecuadorian border city of Tulcán sees daily backpackers crossing by foot into South America’s northern Andes magic. For Venezuela access despite its instability, explore Cúcuta - a strategic city transformed by migrant influx. Friendly citizens showcase local flavors, and intrepid travelers hook rides further along migration corridors. Use discretion interacting with officials to avoid delays or issues departing sensitive boundaries safely by motorbike.

Saying Farewell with Fond Memories and Safety Tips

After weeks or months exploring Colombia’s spellbinding landscape and welcoming people coast to coast by motorcycle, it’s time to wrap up your journey. Conclude in iconic beach towns on Cartagena’s Caribbean fringe like Taganga for sandy sunset sendoffs. Throughout your travels, steer clear of drugs and dangerous political discussions. Follow safe riding practices and respect nature to experience Colombia hassle-free. With care and insight gained, spread the word about this bountiful nation’s revitalization and allure for independent travel once again. Buen viaje! Travel Guide: Riding Through Colombia and Venezuela Safely

Written by Ngoc Follow
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