
The relationship between Cristiano Ronaldo and Islam

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jan 09, 2024 · 3 mins read
The relationship between Cristiano Ronaldo and Islam
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Ronaldo’s Muslim Friends and Teammates

Cristiano Ronaldo, while not a Muslim himself, has developed strong bonds with several teammates who practice Islam over the course of his legendary career. Two players in particular that Ronaldo shared close friendships with are Mesut Ozil and Karim Benzema. Ozil, a German midfielder of Turkish descent, and Benzema, a French striker of Moroccan ancestry, both identify as practicing Muslims. Ronaldo and Ozil enjoyed a close friendship during their time together at Real Madrid, with Ronaldo even adopting customs like giving Ozil Islamic greetings as a sign of respect for his faith. Likewise, Ronaldo formed a strong rapport with Benzema as attacking partners, showing understanding and acceptance of Benzema’s Muslim identity. These relationships demonstrate Ronaldo’s ability to look past religious differences and value individuals for their character.

Support for Muslim Communities in Need

Beyond his personal relationships, Ronaldo has also exhibited charitable support for Muslim communities facing hardship. After winning the European Golden Boot award in 2014, Ronaldo donated the trophy to be auctioned off, with the proceeds going to aid Palestinian children. Most recently in 2022, Ronaldo donated a massive sum of money to relief efforts for Syrian refugee children displaced by that country’s ongoing civil war. He encouraged others to contribute as well in helping the many Syrian families who are predominantly Muslim. These humanitarian gestures show Ronaldo cares deeply about Muslim people in times of crisis regardless of religious barriers.

Maintaining Respect While Remaining Christian

However, despite his sympathetic views and actions towards Islam, Ronaldo has always been clear that he himself remains a devout Catholic. He was raised Christian in Portugal and continues to actively practice Catholicism. But Ronaldo understands the importance of maintaining respect for other faiths while still adhering to his own beliefs. His friendships with Ozil, Benzema and support for Muslim communities demonstrate how people of different religions can build bridges of cooperation instead of division. Ronaldo leads by example in showing religious tolerance and compassion across religious lines can positively influence society.

Appreciation for Islamic Culture’s Influence on his Career

While Ronaldo is unequivocally a Christian, he has acknowledged ways that aspects of Islamic culture touched his career journey as well. Through teammates like Ozil and Benzema, Ronaldo gained insight into Islamic customs and phrases. He understands how the influence of Islam in regions like North Africa and the Middle East helped shape cultures that then impacted the modern game. For instance, Ronaldo recognizes talents like Benzema and Zinedine Zidane enriched the sport with styles reflecting their Maghreb heritage. Overall, Ronaldo expresses open-mindedness towards different religious and ethnic influences that have allowed football to thrive globally as a universal passion.

Continuing to Promote Understanding

As Ronaldo progressed to become one of the most famous athletes in the world, he has used his platform to further spread messages of religious tolerance. In retirement after his playing days conclude, Ronaldo aims to continue leveraging his renown through organizations promoting social issues important to him. Chief among these is encouraging understanding between people of different backgrounds, especially between faith groups. With his example of befriending Muslims while staying true to his own faith, Ronaldo hopes more individuals will follow in building mutual acceptance across religious divisions through open dialogue. Only by embracing diversity can societies truly flourish, as Ronaldo’s career demonstrated on the international stage.

Impact of Ronaldo’s Inclusiveness

Ronaldo’s willingness to reach across boundaries of faith have left a mark felt well beyond his on-field accomplishments. For Muslims he portrayed as integral parts of European football culture, like Ozil and Benzema, Ronaldo’s acceptance was meaningful. It helped combat stereotypes casting their religious identities as incompatible with mainstream society. More broadly, Ronaldo modeled how promoting inclusiveness as key to any community’s progress regardless of its religious makeup. His fundraising to alleviate Muslim suffering in conflicts like Palestine and Syria translated care into concrete action as well. By rising above religious division in his relationships and philanthropy, Ronaldo set an example that will inspire future generations towards building a more just world with dignity for all people. The relationship between Cristiano Ronaldo and Islam

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