
Adventures of a Private Investigator

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jan 11, 2024 · 4 mins read
Adventures of a Private Investigator
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Following the Husband

One of the main services our private investigation agency provides is surveillance and infidelity investigations. Extra-marital affairs tailing can often uncover incriminating evidence for divorce cases. In this particular instance, a client had hired us to follow her much older husband who she suspected was cheating with his secretary. We tailed the husband and secretary after work one night and unfortunately caught them engaging in intimate acts inside the secretary’s vehicle in a bar parking lot. The raw and heartbreaking footage provided undeniable proof of the husband’s infidelity.

Breaking the Sad News

When we returned to deliver our report and findings to the client, she burst into tears upon seeing the video evidence. It was never easy having to show clients visual confirmation of a spouse’s betrayal, but it provided necessary closure for legal proceedings. This woman in particular came to us multiple times over the next year, each time paying another fee hoping her husband had changed his ways, only to be disappointed with more graphic footage. As a private investigator, bearing witness to the emotional toll of infidelity cases grew wearisome.

Difficult Client Discussions

After the fourth time meeting with this distraught woman, I felt it was important to have a heart-to-heart. While surveillance investigations were our specialty, continuing to take her money only to uncover the same unfaithful behavior seemed cruel. I explained as gently as possible that perhaps it was time to stop looking for what she didn’t want to find and start taking steps to move on with her life. Private eyes often build close relationships with clients, so caring about their wellbeing both professionally and personally is important. Thankfully, she seemed to understand and I never saw her again after that.

Eccentric Millionaire Requests

While infidelity cases were common, our agency also received many unusual requests from wealthy individuals. One millionaire in particular held a grudge against his brother and hired us multiple times over the years for various brother surveillance missions. In one odd job, I was tasked with investigating whether the brother improperly used his honorary title as an ambassador. Another financier was so paranoid, he hired my firm to research himself just to see what dirt could be dug up and potentially used for blackmail! His anxieties even led him to request we look into old rumors about an ex-girlfriend.

Researching Celebrity Gossip

The aforementioned hedge fund manager’s request to research his ex-girlfriend stemmed from claims made by her angry ex-boyfriend years prior that she had secretly worked in the adult film industry. To satisfy the client’s curiosity and ease his mind, my team embarked on a fascinating deep dive into archived porn sites from that era. While most of our cases centered around litigation, it was interesting getting pulled into the eccentric worlds of the mega-wealthy on occasion. Their concerns, no matter how trivial, became our problems to solve through meticulous celebrity background checks.

Protecting High-Profile Figures

Of course, not all rich clients came to us due to paranoia or pettiness. Many prominent people and institutions relied on our discretion and due diligence for legitimate reasons. Large banks frequently hired our agency to conduct internal embezzlement and fraud investigations. We also performed security audits for high-net-worth individuals being regularly threatened or stalked. Thorough personal security details were vital to ensure the safety of public figures and their families. While glamorous clients brought intrigue, our most rewarding work centered around uncovering real criminal behavior through diligent research and surveillance.

Insider Information Gathering

One of the key advantages private investigators held over average citizens came down to access. Our broad networks and specialized tools allowed diving deep into public and non-public records with ease. For corporate cases involving alleged wrongdoing, poring through tax documents, financial transactions, phone records and more offered a clear picture of potential malfeasance. The same methodology applied to personal matters like missing persons searches or infidelity cases. With the right insider connections and databases, it was usually only a matter of time before a target’s digital or real-world breadcrumbs led us straight to the truth. Such information gathering proficiency solved many a mystery over the years and helped clients find much-needed answers or justice.

A career of puzzles and people.

All in all, working as a private investigator exposed me to an endless stream of puzzling mysteries and fascinating characters. While each case differed, the common goal remained uncovering hidden facts through strategic evidence-finding. Relationships built with clients, sources and even targets created a holistic understanding far beyond surface details. Seeing the direct impact our work had in peoples’ lives, for better or worse, reinforced why I chose this career path. Even after retiring, the problem-solving mindset and social skills instilled through years of investigations continue coming in handy navigating everyday conundrums. Adventures of a Private Investigator

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