
Living in Chongqing: My Experience Over 7 Years and Safety Advice

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jan 12, 2024 · 4 mins read
Living in Chongqing: My Experience Over 7 Years and Safety Advice
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Chongqing is a massive city located in southwest China, with over 30 million inhabitants across its municipality. Despite its size, many find it surprisingly safe—though vigilance is still important, especially as a foreigner. Drawing from over seven years of living there myself, here are some insights into safety in Chongqing and advice for visitors or potential expatriates.

Day-to-Day Life and Minor Crimes

For day-to-day life, most residents find Chongqing to be quite secure. Petty theft does occur, like pickpocketing or minor scams, but violent crime is quite rare. My wife often traveled alone late at night with no worries. As in any large city, it’s wise to keep valuable items like phones and wallets out of sight. Avoid dimly lit streets alone at night too. However, the overall crime rate in Chongqing is significantly lower than major Western cities. Most locals keep to themselves and mind their own business.

Beware of Scams and ‘Easy Money’ Deals

While Chongqing remains largely safe, scams targeting foreigners do exist. Never agree to accompany strangers you just met, especially if they promise easy money, drugs, or women. These often lead to robbery, extortion, or worse. As a police officer, I’ve seen cases involving Westerners who trusted the wrong people. Ensure you register with local authorities upon arrival too, so you have contacts in an emergency. Overall, scams are the main risk—use common sense and you’ll likely face no issues.

Violent Crime Remains Rare for Locals and Foreigners Alike

According to long-time local residents, violent attacks are exceptionally uncommon in Chongqing. One man told me he’d lived there his whole life without ever being robbed or having his home burgled. While occasional murders do make headlines, they usually involve people who already know each other. For tourists or expats, the risk of violent crime is basically negligible. With over 30 million residents, a few isolated incidents will obviously occur, but random violence against foreigners is virtually unheard of in Chongqing.

Living in Chongqing: My Experience Over 7 Years and Safety Advice (Continued)

Staying Vigilant Without Living in Fear

Of course, no place is completely risk-free. I experienced over 7 peaceful years in Chongqing myself before moving away. However, like in any big city worldwide, minor precautions help ensure safety. Lock doors at home, be wary of following strangers, and avoid tempting would-be thieves with flashy displays of wealth or valuables. Simple vigilance, rather than living in fear, helps you fully enjoy all Chongqing has to offer. Take normal safety steps, especially at night, yet don’t overworry—the reality is Chongqing’s streets feel safer than those of most Western cities.

What To Do In Case of Any Issues

Thankfully, issues requiring police help are very rare for foreigners in Chongqing. But it offers comfort knowing contact details, just in case. Register your details upon arrival so local authorities can assist you if needed. I also kept the number of someone at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB), China’s police force. They proved helpful to a friend having passport issues once. With over a decade in Chongqing myself, I had zero safety problems. But that PSB contact gave welcome reassurance that, if the very unlikely did occur, help was only a phone call away.

Adapting to a New Culture and Its Norms

While extremely safe overall, living in Chongqing does require some cultural adaptation. My wife found certain personal safety habits like always traveling in pairs stopped mattering. But learning local norms, from using the subway to crossing busy roads, took time. Interacting with a different language and lifestyle also presents challenges. However, through open-mindedness and respect, we integrated smoothly and found locals extremely welcoming of foreigners embracing Chinese ways. Overcoming any difficulties brings rich rewards of experiencing a vibrant culture very different than the West.

Living in Chongqing: My Experience Over 7 Years and Safety Advice (Concluded)

Recommendations for Visitors and Potential Expats

In conclusion, for both short-term visitors and those considering living in Chongqing long-term, trust your instincts and employ basic vigilance without undue fear. Get to know the charming city at a comfortable pace, through exploration and cultural immersion rather than worrying excessively about safety. Register with local authorities upon arrival for that extra reassurance if problems do somehow arise. Enjoy this massively populated yet uniquely safe Chinese metropolis without overconcern for crime, violent or otherwise. With over a decade spent happily and problem-free in Chongqing myself, I can wholeheartedly recommend the city to travellers and expats alike wishing to experience a different yet welcoming culture in a surprisingly safe urban setting. Living in Chongqing: My Experience Over 7 Years and Safety Advice

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